Frank C. Gilmore Jr. was born in 1969 during The Vietnam War in Syracuse, N.Y. and that’s something he is very proud of. It’s the home of Ron Sicily, Pearl Washington, Dorcey Levens, Tom Cruise, Post Malone, Ernie Davis and so many more. Syracuse has proven to be a star maker.
His grandfather Rev. Clearance Paige was the pastor at New Jerusalem Baptist Church on Montgomery Street. The environment during my childhood was quite different from all the shootings and conflict we hear about in the news today. Around 1997 he learned about Network Marketing from a very influential person in his life, Todd Burrier. He told Frank about how this was the right place, the right time and the right people to build your home-based business.
Since he implemented entrepreneurism into his network marketing approach, it has made a major difference in his life. He feels very blessed and inspired by the leadership and courage of these empowering speakers at conventions. He always feels he brings a ton of positive energy back to his local communities after network marketing events. You can’t put a price on that, he truly loves it.
We can all see how passionate he is about his network marketing business. He is even more concerned about the wellbeing of everyone that is fighting poverty on a daily basis. He wants to be a part of the solution that help the less fortunate. Now that he is a grandfather, he is really am focusing more on setting a better example than he did in the past. I am working on leaving a legacy that encourages multiple income streams.
To Frank, Co-op C is the ideal environment that is conducive for effectively fighting poverty. Together Everyone Accomplishes More is the T.E.A.M. acronym and he believes the key ingredient to the entire elimination of poverty on a global scale. Along with this goal his hope is to be much less wasteful and ungrateful. His overall gameplan is to encourage you the reader of course, but also anyone with the heart to truly help feed the hungry.